The world health organization warns of a tidal wave of cancer. In 2012, there were 14 million people diagnosed with cancer and it is predicted to rise to 24 million people worldwide by 2035. According to the cancer research in the united kingdom in 2012, of the 14 million people diagnosed of cancer, 8.2 Million died of the disease. This shows the mortality rate of more than 50 percent. In Hong Kong, there were new cases of 27,000 persons each year reported in 2012 by the Hong Kong Cancer Fund. Besides the threat to life, these people often suffer from emotional traumas. Therefore, since 2011 NWMHK pioneered programs in various local cancer centers with the compassion and aim to help these people.

New Wine Alpha Program

NWMHK incorporated ‘The Alpha Course’ program at the cancer centers in 2011: The six to ten-week course is conducted in a friendly and relaxed surrounding where participants explore the meaning of life and build relationships with a Christian perspective. In addition, those recovering from cancer can have the opportunity to be trained and to join our New Wine Alpha team to help others. Many trained leaders, helpers and volunteers are required to run this course successfully. Courses are collaborated with The Alpha Course, HK and the local cancer centers. Fundings are supported by New Wine Ministries Hong Kong and the course is free to the users of these centers.

Inner Healing Program

An individual can enrol in an ‘Inner Healing’ course after finishing the “New Wine Alpha Course”. This course is vital for the recovery and transformation of life. It is a one-on-one session with some group work conducted by trained lay counselors using Christian principles. It consists of six to ten weeks of 1.5 hours per session. This is also funded by NWMHK and it is a free service for users of the cancer centers.

New Wine Ministries Hong Kong

....... A Passion for compassion .......


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