New Wine Healing Ministry
In 2011 many people came to the ministry for healing and a variety of healings took place. They were healed of diabetes, glaucoma, insomnia, chest pain, blood disease, healing of emotions, healing of acute anxiety and spiritual healing of many kinds. As a result, we received many testimonies from those who came directly to the ministry.

Some of these Testimonies are:
“The sessions helped me to deal with many issues: forgiveness and repentance. I no longer live under the grip of tormented thoughts and emotions. At the end, I am heal.” (July, 2011) “I was like a general hospital before but now I have physical healing from diabetes and I have health now. I used to be broke when I was ill. Now I have my career back and on top of that I have financial prosperity.” (January, 2012) “After I came to the ministry my chest pain was gone and my life had guidance and direction.” (July, 2012) “I am heal emotionally from early scars of abandonment by my father and my physical illness has subsided.” (November, 2013)

New Wine Fellowship Meetings

The New Wine Fellowship consists of leaders, helpers, volunteers as well as those members who come to the ministry for healing and freedom. We also invite friends and associates of the ministry. The program starts with praise and worship then we have prayer ministry followed by lunch and a film. We offer afternoon tea before they leave. We have these fellowship meetings once every two months at the ministry and it is conducted bilingually in Chinese and English.

New Wine Ministries Hong Kong

....... A Passion for compassion .......


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